(Click on the thumbnail for the bigger, better version)
I’m still in a bit of shock over having finished all my work for the Bear Valley Springs Art Show two full days before the deadline. This gets recorded in a journal as a first for me. Typically, I am frantically working until the wee hours the night before the event. The thing that really saved me was the rules for the show. Each participant is allowed only five pieces. Thus, when the five pieces were framed and ready to go, I couldn’t get any crazy ideas about adding maybe just two more to the display.
The thing I am looking forward to most of all is meeting some of the local artists and, of course, particularly the photographers here in the valley. I have met a couple so far at the monthly art walk. On the first Friday of every month, a group of galleries in Tehachapi host First Friday, an Artist Reception for member artists. Along with the art work, guests are treated to refreshments and, frequently, featured artists give demonstrations or special signings. Furthermore, local musicians are frequently part of the event. The Husband and I have made it into town for a couple of these events and enjoyed the festivities immensely. Last month, one gallery featured a sculptor who talked to anyone interested about her process and had some molds in various stages of readiness for the bronze to illustrate her comments. She was personable, eager to answer questions, and we enjoyed her immensely.
The show tomorrow is at the country club in BVS. I have not yet been to the country club, so there will be lots of new experiences in store for me.