Saturday, July 21, 2007

These little bottles in the kitchen window often catch my eye. This photo of them is one I like.

(Click on the image for the larger version)

Often when Jim heads over to the stable to do a cleaning, I tag along with my camera. Sometimes, I wander around just seeing what new still-life will catch my eye. I took this shot back in May.

(Click on the image for the larger version)

I have been bogged down the last couple of days trying to solve a problem in PageMaker. That's how far behind I am in publishing software. Eventually, I will have to make the transition to InDesign. I'm not looking forward to it. I am working on my newsletter and attempting to do some things in a slightly different style, but I seem to be stuck. Oh, well, back to the old style. It works.
I haven't yet gotten out to do a lot of shooting. I'm in catch-up mode. We have been back from Colorado two weeks and I still haven't fully returned mentally.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yesterday evening, I wandered about a bit in the backyard and took this shot. I'm fascinated by the neat little rows of flowers on a cactus there. (If you click on the thumbnail below, you can view the larger version.)

Monday, July 16, 2007

CF card care

While checking in at The Online Photographer, I ran across this reminder:

1. Never delete files in-camera. Reformat, instead, and let the camera write new files until the card is filled.

2. Never write to the card from your computer. It's much safer to let your camera be the only device writing to the card.

Better safe than sorry.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tips for casual photographers

A couple of weeks before we left on our grand Colorado excursion, I had decided to splurge on a smaller, "everyday" camera. I love the 20D and my old dRebel (which was the original model in that line) is still a good camera. However, I don't carry one of those cameras every time I leave the house. While not exactly gigantic, they are a little heavy and bulky. I went for the Canon G7 and love it. It's a great little camera and it's easy to tote around without being in the way. There is something about using that camera that makes me feel free to point the camera up through the windshield while riding in the car (passenger seat—not driving!) and take silly shots like this one:

Still, the main point of this post was that buying a "point and shoot" made me think about people like my brother and sister, neither of whom wants to make anywhere near the commitment to photography that I have made. Some time ago I was led to this site with some useful tips I wanted to pass on, not only to my siblings, but anyone else just dipping a toe in the pond.

The "Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures" at the Kodak website is a terrific place to begin.
TIP! Remember to right click on the link and you won't lose your place here at Through My Lens.

Blue Hors Matinee, the Dancing Mare

I received a link to this video some time ago and it is one of my favorite things I have ever seen on the Internet. Even if you have already seen this mare perform, you might want to watch the clip again. It's inspiring.