Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Processing Photos on the iPhone

Sometimes I enjoy processing my iPhonography either on the phone or on the iPad. There are some wonderful apps that are easily affordable and amazingly sophisticated. My favorites are Snapseed and Filterstorm. I sometimes experiment on these grab shots when I get blocked on a bigger piece. That getting stuck occurs most often when I start hoping that the bigger piece is one that might achieve exhibit quality. 

To quiet the noise of expectations, I like to give myself permission to experiment on something completely different, before I go back to the "investment" piece. IPhoneography is particularly effective in dealing with this type of creative block. I can completely change the scenery by walking away from the computer—even close the door to that room, if I choose. 

The strategy works well for me and sometimes the playtime produces the bonus of an image that I rather enjoy. The scene is vintage Kern County and one of the reasons that I enjoy the drive to Bakersfield on Highway 58. 

I hope you enjoy the image. 


  1. I do like this photo. Like you, I enjoy experimenting with post-processing techniques but, so far, I have not embraced "iPhonography" yet (keyword is "yet"). I would have to get a better phone that produced decent photographs and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. That doesn't keep me from enjoying the photos others are taking, though. And the post processing filters available are amazing these days.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Ken. Precisely because you enjoy exploring post-processing, I suspect you will eventually investigate a camera phone that you like and check out this fun. I certainly have found the apps an amazing bargain, and I was quite surprised at the level of sophistication.

  2. Interesting image, Anita - was the UFO there already or did that get added during post-processing. I'm resisting the urge to go the iPhoneography way. I only use it to take pictures when there's a sofa involved ;-) for our house or some other piece of furniture we're thinking of purchasing...

  3. It was there, but subtle. The processing "enhanced" it. :-).

    I enjoy this form of photography for its therapeutic value. I don't print these. Oh, and I might snap a picture of the toothpaste tube to insure that we get the right one the next time. I use both the iPhone and iPad for snapping pictures for inventory purposes and copies of schedules, etc. No sofas, recently.

    I run hot and cold on processing, mostly doing it when I need to get unstuck.


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