Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ain't Love Grand?

(Click on the thumbnail for the bigger, better version)

Naturally, I love all the fun suggestions for a name. Keep them coming, please. Day 3 and we continue to discuss and negotiate. He is still Puppy.

Whew. I am relieved to get pre-approval for more self-indulgent pictures of our canine version of the Energizer Bunny. The one above is no more than a poorly done snapshot. But, I ask you, "Would you rather play with this adorable creature, or be stuck behind a camera, or perhaps be staring at a computer monitor?" My answer is that I am typing with one finger because the creature is using my right arm as a pillow and taking a brief nap in my lap. Sigh. Ain't love grand?


  1. Indeed it is. Nothing beats the love a dog. Nothing.

  2. Your description of Puppy as a "canine version of the Energizer Bunny" is wonderful. And, I assume he recharges while napping. I also agree, love is grand. I have one of those iphones and have learned to type pretty quickly and accurately with one finger, it just takes practice. :-)

  3. The absolute visual definition of cute and lovable!

  4. Such a great looking dog! Has he chewed the sock monkey yet?

  5. Hmmm, Blogspot always seems to give me trouble in leaving comments. I think it is due to its nature of popups or something. Well, I tried to leave several on the last few posts, but I guess they didn't take. Trying on my Mac now - perhaps this will work...

    Just wanted to say to some it up - that is a dangerously cute dog!

  6. Paul - I agree that dogs are very special creatures. We are so blessed to have them as companions.

  7. Monte - If you had seen him last night running circles—he charted out three in the geat room—you would have seen that the Energizer Bunny now seems downright pokey, in comparison.

  8. Earl - We are so smitten it is pathetic.

  9. Steve - "Has he chewed the sock monkey yet" I have to respond with a smart-ass remark: "Does McDonald's make hamburgers?" He gives all his toys a rigorous workout and chews on them something fierce.

  10. Mark - Bad Blogger. Bad boy. Oh, wait. That's how I would respond to a puppy mistake. I am annoyed that Blogger has given you trouble. I always love hearing from you.

    You are so right: "Dangerously cute." It isn't easy keeping rules. He melts our hearts with all that cuteness.

  11. Might "Dangerously Cute Puppy" be subject for upcoming book? Hint hint . . . .

  12. Anil - I suspect you have had a glimpse of how consumed I am. I just might not be able to tear myself away for enough attention on anything else to do for SoFoBoMo. I hadn't even formulated the thought, but it seems you have taken care of it.

  13. I fully appreciate what you mean by prefering the companionship of such an adorable pup over being stuck behind a camera! Thank you for sharing this with us all!

  14. Mark - Thanks for that validation. Galen doesn't look much like a puppy anymore, but he is still adorable.


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